Wednesday, August 3, 2016


So, we are working at this fabulous shared workspace called Dojo Bali where they have great internet, and a ton of tables tucked in different corners where you can just spend your time working. It's open 24/7, although I've only been here during the day, and is about a 15 minute drive away from the hotel. I've taken a taxi a couple of times, and some of the others in my group have rented scooters to be able to drive here. I'm not here long enough to take my life into my hands quite so cavalierly...

But, here are some photos of what it looks like at dojo. There's a swimming pool in the courtyard, and even a hot shower in the bathroom!

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Adventures in Bali

Just as a way to share some stories and pictures from my trip in Bali, I'm pulling up this blog again so interested parties can check it out! I'm here for a two week stay with DigitalOutposts, who are providing a work location so I can work remotely as I finish up teaching my summer online class, and prep for my upcoming 3 online classes this fall. I spent the first two days after a VERY long flight in Denpasar, and then met up with the DO people in Canggu on Sunday.

Denpasar was busy, with horrible traffic, few sidewalks, and no pedestrian crossings. It might be the scariest traffic city I've ever been in, but you just set your teeth, and walk out into traffic in a real life frogger game, and miraculously no one hit me!

My hotel in Denpasar was peaceful, and beautifully tropical. There are no walls on the main floor- just hanging vines that swing in the breeze. They had some tasty fruit drinks to consume by the pool after a hot muggy day out.

The city is crowded, but remarkably not multi story- most buildings are only 2 stories high.

The fabric stores here make me desperately wish I had a sewing project I needed fabric for- most of them are used to tourists, and have some lovely fat quarter sets for quilters to take home. Hmmm... Maybe I can take up quilting in all my spare time just to be able to use the fabric.

I think that's all for a bit, but I'll leave you with one more picture of some delicious Indonesian food. I have no idea what any of it was, but it was all remarkably tasty, and less spicy than I would have expected!